If you are not able to print from the AOL Desktop Gold, then you must fix the issue quickly. There can be various reasons for the occurrence of this error, so first find the cause and then you can resolve the issue. You can go through this blog to fix the unable to print error in desktop software. Or can Install AOL Gold Desktop again on your system by removing the earlier version.

Steps to fix the Unable to Print Issue from AOL Desktop Gold
You need to follow the below-mentioned steps for fixing the issue of unable to print from the AOL Desktop Gold:
Printer working fine with other programs

  • - Create a new text document in the notepad and write some text in it and save it.
  • - Go to File > File Option  > Print
  • - A new window will open where you have to select the name of the printer and then hit on the print option to get the document printed.

Enable Required Startup Programs
- While starting the computer, several programs get started, and this slows down the system. Therefore, you must disable those programs while turning on the system.
  • - Go to Search Bar and write Task Manager
  • - Now click on the tab of Startup and then select the programs you want to disable.
  • - Click on the button of disable, and then it’s done.

Set the Print Margin
  • - Open the Internet Explorer web browser.
  • - Click on the File option  > Page Setup  > Margin.
  • - Here you have to enter 0.25 in the field that is next to Top, Bottom, Right and Left option.
  • - Click on the OK button to save the print margin changes.

Clear all the pending print jobs
  • - You have to click on the Printer icon that is there on the right corner of the Task Bar.
  • - In this window, you can see all the active and pending print jobs of your printer.
  • - Click on the print jobs which you wish to clear by clicking on the Cancel button.

Print by Using Internet Explorer
  • - Open Internet Explorer and then press Ctrl and P key together to open the Print window.
  • - Now click on the Print Preview to see how the document will look once it is printed.
  • - You have to select the name of the printer before giving the print command.

Even after executing these troubleshooting steps, if the problem persists, then you can AOL Gold Download Install again on your system. However, don’t forget to remove the previously installed software from the system first.

Read more: - Unable to Print from AOL Desktop Gold