‌AOL Desktop Gold Sign-In Screen Issues

‌Install AOL Gold

One of the most common errors that users face while using AOL Desktop Gold is a sign-in screen issue. This error will hamper your task and can give you some tough time while solving it. If you wish to resolve this issue on your own, then you need to follow this blog, and if you do not want to solve this issue on your own, then you should speak with the customer care team.

Why do AOL Desktop Gold Sign-in Screen issues occur?
If you think why AOL Desktop Sign-in Screen issues occur in the first place then you should see the below-mentioned reasons:

  • - Due to inactive or unstable internet connection
  • - Even temporary and junk files can be the reason behind it.
  • - If you are using the outdated version of the desktop gold.
  • - Even malicious programs and malware can be the culprit.

How to fix the sign-in screen issue of AOL Gold?
For resolving AOL Desktop sign-in screen issue, you need to follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting steps:
Step 1: Make changes in the internet setting of your system.
Step 2: Clear all the cache and cookies data of your PC.
Step 3: You can even try to restart your device by closing every running program first.
Step 4: Try to use another web browser for using AOL Desktop Gold software.
Step 5: You can even try to check whether your device and web browser are up-to-date or not.

Make sure that you have installed the latest version of ‌AOL Desktop Gold Install on your system, and while entering the login credentials, you are entering the accurate username and password. You need to be patient while trying to fix the issue on your own, and if you do not want to invest time in research, then you can reach the customer care team.

Source URL: - AOL Desktop Gold Sign-In Screen Issues

Also Visit : - Install AOL Desktop Gold for windows